Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Money And Stress

I'd like to address the issue of stress that seems to surround our world of financial survival. As a chiropractor I frequently see back and neck problems that are resulting from a secondary reaction to stress, and on questioning I find more often than not, it's roots stem from the financial challenges that patient may be experiencing, either on-going struggles, or maybe a recent negative turn of events. None-the-less most of us know from personal experience how financial struggles can and will cause increased stress on the body's nervous system, which in turn can result any number of negative physical consequences, from simple spinal tension and headaches, to serious internal complications such as ulcers, and diverticulitis to name a couple, and some even suspect stress is in part responsible for the big C (cancer).

So, with that in mind, as a chiropractor I can usually effectively improve the stress related symptoms of muscle spasm and the associated spinal changes, and even possible improve the internal nerve disturbances to help the body heal itself, BUT I’m unable to help the individual's financial problems, the actual cause of the stress condition.

In fact it's my own personal experiences with financial reversals, and the huge accompanying burden of stress I experienced that led me to diversify my efforts at improving and stabilizing my financial position. Stress kills, and my being age 61 I want to minimize the added stress factors on my body by making sure financial issues were no longer producing the anxiety and burden that I had experienced in the past.

Being trained as a chiropractor is literally the only formal education I have, and with the insurance world in such constant disarray I, as all doctors are finding, have to work twice as hard to earn even less than I made in past years. Consequently, I have turned to the internet for the possibility of making additional income. I have been very pleasantly surprised at how easy one can tap into the riches that the internet has available for the truly average person, unschooled in technical proficiency. There are multiple venues I have pursued, and I seem to have found a very winning combination of diversity that is proving quite profitable with a very minimal cost to me, other than time and effort, which I am more than willing to devote to reap the rewards I see flowing into my bank account. You too, if you are interested, can easily accomplish what I am doing, and I repeat, internet knowledge is not necessary, only the desire to put energy into the clear and simple learning process along with a little seed money (a hundred or two) will allow you to duplicate and very possibly eclipse my accomplishments.

Working at home on your computer can easily solve your financial problems, as long as you have clear direction and dedication. If Solve your financial problems most of your stress will disappear, however there is always the issue of children, in-laws, neighbors, relatives, etc. that will keep the stress levels from dropping to zero.

For a glimpse at what my Internet business looks like view my business web site and evaluate for yourself. I will welcome ANY questions or comments on any issue pertaining to Health AND Wealth.

Yours for better health and wealth,
Dr. Paul

Paul M. Zemella, D.C.
Santa Barbara, CA

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

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