Thursday, January 24, 2008

Making Money And Exercise
Copyright © Paul Zemella

Hi Friends,

We all are faced with the challenge of trying to make a living with our job, either working at home, or employment outside of home, and ALSO tying to find time to keep our body healthy by doing at least something that resembles exercise.

Most of us understand clearly that exercise is important, but few of us actually act on that knowledge. Of course we all have our excuses, mostly relating to time, or external demands over which we supposedly have no control, or we have responsibilities that consume our complete day, or if none of those apply how about complete fatigue after our day is over that keeps us stuck in our chair in front of the TV. And then of course, there is the exact opposite individual. We all know the type of person that seems more like a human version of a machine that never tires or slows, and can run circles around all of us without breaking a sweat, they are tireless, never gain an ounce of weight, only need 6 hours of sleep and they are ready to forge into the new day full speed ahead. They always have time for exercise, in fact they must exercise, they get a high from it. We've seen them at the gym, they are the ones on the treadmill going full blast, or in the aerobics class in the front row jumping higher, determined to conquer that 60-minute class. We wonder "what's wrong with those people?" Alas...that isn't us, we are the ones that drive BY the gym thinking to ourselves that we should make use of the membership we are paying on monthly.

So, what do we do, how can we stay healthy, get some exercise squeezed into our full work day? At least enough to know that we burned some extra calories and made our heart and lungs work beyond their daily minimum effort. I have some suggestions. In my 38 years in practice I've come to learn that whenever I communicate health concepts (which is all day long) I must keep them simple, reduce them to their lowest common denominator, if I expect any level of compliance. Of course my patients are sincere when they assure me that they will carry out my exercise recommendations, or diet suggestions, or a stretching program. But I know that if I don't keep is simple, short, and convenient most people will not continue past the second day.

What I have found to be successful over the last year or so is to recommend two basic items, an exercise ball (those large balls that people sit on) and a simple resistance tube made for exercise, with handles at each end. The exercise ball sells for about $25.00, and the resistance tube for about $20.00 and they should be available at any sporting goods store. With those two items you can do combinations of exercises that take the place a gym full of machines. The exercise ball and the tubing should come with simple exercise diagrams on the instruction sheet. The tubing can work your complete upper body, and even your legs, if you can figure out how to do that. Using the ball brings into play all of the "core" or abdominal and low back muscles. Using these I bet you will find that they are actually kind of fun, and you might just be tempted to move to the next level, and that is to go out and rent or buy some of the exercise DVD's available that show complete workouts with these two items.

As far as your heart and lungs are concerned, at first you will notice that you will be getting a good cardio workout just doing the exercises I described above, but soon you will need more, and that can be just a simple but brisk walk around the block, and with time making it a longer walk. A stationary bicycle can always be found at a garage sale, and makes for a great cardio workout. At age 61 I find that's my favorite cardio workout, I sit and read my professional journals while I peddle away, for usually an hour. But you must start slow and easy, listen to your body, don't push it, there is always the next workout to go just a little more.

And of course I have to include the usual caution that that you should not begin any exercise program without first consulting your physician/chiropractor.

There are so many other easy ways to get exercise; I will include more in future articles. But if you simply start you will feel better, and find it is actually fun, especially if you keep it simple and easy.
Yours for better Health and Wealth,

Dr. Paul

Paul Zemella, D.C.
Santa Barbara, CA

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