Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Fitting Your Home Based Business In Your Home
Copyright © Paul Zemella

You are motivated and excited about starting your home based business, you even have a plan and a goal and maybe even a product line...BUT....where in your home/apartment are you going to find the room to make your new business operational? Depending on your new business you might need just the space of a small desk, and a laptop computer. But I promise you, if things go as you hope they will, you will soon need more and more space. Now, just a word as a Chiropractor, please try to remember about posture and ergonomics when you are spending time at your computer/desk/floor/bed. When we get engrossed on our new project we can easily find ourselves working into the wee hours of the morning, all crunched up over the keyboard, for hours and hours, not moving except for maybe a bathroom break or a quick snack from the fridge. The spine can usually handle a little of this abuse, but not night after night, the stress on the joints will eventually take its' toll and back/neck pain will be the consequence. So, please remember your posture as you focus on your new business. Possibly the easiest way to evaluate your posture is to ask yourself that if you mom saw you sitting like that would she yell at you to straighten up? Chances are she would.

Now, back to office space, if you have found a corner of a room to put your laptop/computer on a dedicated table or desk you also need to insure that it won't be disturbed. Whole projects have been lost on a computer when well meaning, energetic children wanting to do a homework assignment (My Space) unknowingly erase an open file that you may have spent hours creating, or possibly your cute, loveable cat jumping up onto the keyboard and taking a short stroll across the keys with one paw resting on the delete button for about 5 minutes. All that equals disaster that could have been avoided. So, unless you live by yourself and have no pets consider those possibilities, because I promise, like our friend Murphy says, "If it's possible to happen....it will!"

Some home based business have much larger space requirements, and possibly need an actual room dedicated to the business, if so, try to keep it organized and clutter free, you will find you will be much more efficient, as well as mentally more clear to focus on your tasks. And, don't forget about your garage as an option for your business space, in fact that seems to be where some of the biggest businesses of all time have had their beginnings.

A common challenge home based business owners run up against is that just because your business is in your home you still have to take it seriously, the same as you would if you had to drive across town to an 8 to 5 job. Sure you can dress casual (in your jammies) but you have to be able to operate on a high level of mental focus, attempting to achieve a professional level of performance. In fact I know several very successful home based business owners that will actually dress up, do all the usual primping one would do if they were going to an outside employment, simply to make themselves feel professional and consequently they find themselves operating at a much higher level of performance. Of course that is a personal decision, but if you find yourself not being as productive as you would like, you might consider that strategy. Dress up, feel good about how you look, and just maybe you will get better performance out of your work time at home.

Yours for Health AND Wealth,
Dr. Paul

Paul Zemalla, D.C.
Santa Barbara, CA

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

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