Friday, February 1, 2008

So You Want To Start Your Own Home Based Business…
Copyright © Paul Zemella

First off let me say “Congratulations!” I personally think it’s a wonderful decision. It will provide you excitement, as will as numerous other benefits. Usually top of the list is extra income, which of course is the primary motivation most people and yes, there is much money to be made and you may as will share in that. Another benefit, that might surprise you, is that it will cause you to become a more will-rounded individual. It will force you to stretch out of your comfort zone, and stimulate your creative juices, as well as making you brush up on your math and business skills.

However, I strongly caution you to not go into any home based business, on-line or otherwise, without doing your research. There are many good opportunities available, but there are ten times more bad programs, and many that are down right scams also. So, you do need to do your homework, take your time in analyzing, or visit some business forums on-line where you can often times get sound advice.

As you get started you will need to first consider several things. One, what is your budget, both as a start-up budget, as well as an ongoing operational budget? The numbers you come up with should be within your financial comfort zone. If the costs of operation eat into your household budget then you will quickly find that the idea of operating your own business is no longer fun. The monthly ongoing budget should be small enough that you can endure up to six months of losses. Hopefully that won’t be necessary to call upon, but all too frequently business owners will give up their business and their dreams due to burdensome financial pressures, when they might have actually been just around the corner from profit if they could only have endured just a little longer. Also, realize that there is a learning curve to getting your new business operational, expect to spend many hours studying, planning, and setting up your business. Usually the amount of time necessary to get started is vastly greater than you would have imagined. And it may take a whole month or two just to get things in place to where you have an understanding and the background to move forward. So, be prepared to study, learn and most of all try to be patient, after all, like they say: “Rome wasn’t built in a day”…and neither will your home-based business.

The fun part is that a year later you will look back and see the huge amount of knowledge you have acquired through those months of persistent learning and patience, and hopefully your bank account will be larger from it also.

Yours for Health AND Wealth,
Dr. Paul

Paul M. Zemella, D.C.


Santa Barbara, CA
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

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